Many studies indicate that looks do matter when it comes to your salary. Discriminating versus people based upon their physical appearance is not right morally or legally. Yet, the society one lives in is not a perfect one. Professional improvement tips can assist one in getting the yearly salary treatments all strive to attain, and can get one in the door to start a new career. Identifying prejudices will assist in a job hunt and to gain a raise or promotion.
Height and weight often times can determine how much one is paid in the workplace. Tall individuals are paid more money. Per a 2004 study conducted at the University of Florida, taller employees can expect $789 more per year. Princeton economists went one step further, by noting that taller workers are smarter. For instance, taller children score better on tests prior to starting their formal education. Next, maintaining a healthy weight is a professional improvement tip. Obese workers with a body mass index greater than 30 are paid less than their peers. A University of George Washington study pointed out that obese women are paid $8,666 less, while obese men are taking home $4,772 less per year. In addition, many obese women become discriminated against regarding their take home pay, ability to get hired, and future pay increases.
Going one step further, a Cleveland State University study identifies the importance of staying physically fit. Those that exercise regularly are earning a salary nine percent higher than those that do not. In addition, if one exercises a minimum of three times per week, an average of $80 per week is earned versus their coworkers that are stagnant. A professional improvement tip for a female is to wear the appropriate amount of make-up, and think about changing your hair color to blonde. Applying make-up moderately is a key toward earning trustworthiness and competence. A study by the American Economic Review outlined that women that wear make-up will earn 30 percent more than those that do not. In addition, a Queensland University of Technology study found that blonde women earn seven percent more than their peers with any other hair color.
Ultimately, everyone wants to earn their salary based upon merit. To do so, understand what your job is worth. Social psychologists have identified image impact qualifiers including:
- Educational level
- Personality
- Trustworthiness
- Sense of Humor
Simply remember that first impressions go a long way in getting your foot in the door, and maintaining a job can be based upon how one dresses, smiles, and by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.